ChatGPT and the Rise of AI in Marketing

If you've been following the marketing landscape, you'll know AI has been all the hype as of late. It's not just some buzzword - it's a real thing changing how we approach marketing.
Think about it: with AI, we can analyze huge amounts of data and identify patterns that we would have never noticed before. We can automate tedious tasks, freeing time to focus on the things that matter. And we can create personalized experiences for our customers like never before.
But here's the thing: AI isn't a magic bullet. You can't just sprinkle some AI on your marketing and expect everything to be amazing.
In hopes of better understanding the power of AI and how marketers can truly leverage it, we sat down for a round table with Seth Viebrock (CEO and Founder @ 08) and Sam Hollis (Web Design and AI Aficionada) to learn what’s what.
Here’s all the tea from our informative session:
Getting beyond the hype cycle
Artificial intelligence (AI) is not a new concept. However, the development of generative AI, which allows us to produce imagery, text, and audio using AI, is relatively new. As with most new technologies, generative AI follows a hype cycle.
This cycle, illustrated by Gartner, is mirrored as such:

This cycle has been documented and continues to prove useful time and time again. For instance, NFTs and web three are currently going through a hype cycle, and you can track their popularity over time.
During the peak of inflated expectations, people become very excited about the potential of new technology. However, as they try to use the technology, they often encounter obstacles and limitations, leading to disillusionment.
During the slope of enlightenment, researchers and developers work to overcome these challenges, ultimately leading to the plateau of productivity where the technology is integrated into practical applications.
What’s beyond the hype is what you should actually be interested in.
The Evolving Landscape of AI Voice Assistants and Generative AI
As we move further into 2023, we're seeing the rise of AI voice assistants like Alexa, Siri, and Google Voice. While these tools are useful, they're still somewhat limited in their capabilities.
For instance, if you ask Siri about the basketball game, she might know the score, but she won't offer any unique insights or human-like responses.
Of course, this is just the beginning. As technology improves and AI becomes more advanced, we can expect these voice assistants to become smarter and more intuitive. The call-and-response format will evolve into something more sophisticated and dynamic.
We may not have all the answers yet, but with time and experimentation, we'll continue to progress and uncover new possibilities for this exciting technology.
The Big Player: Open AI
In the world of artificial intelligence, one name stands out above the rest: OpenAI.
Founded in 2015, the company didn't receive much attention at first. But in 2021, they made waves with their basic image generation capabilities, known as DALL·E. However, it wasn't until 2022 that OpenAI hit the mainstream news cycle with its breakthrough in generative AI.
What is generative AI, you ask? It's an interface that allows for human-like responses to our queries. Think Alexa, Siri, and Google Voice, but smarter. These AI assistants are still relatively "dumb," as they can only provide call-and-response interactions without creative or personalized input.
Are Robots Taking Our Jobs?
The topic of robots taking over jobs is one that's been circulating for quite some time now. It's a valid concern, and there's definitely room for concern. However, the key is to get in front of it and use AI as a tool to enhance and speed up your productivity, rather than letting it replace you.
Tools like GPT-4, Dall-e, or Mid Journey are meant to be used to help marketers multitask or speed up certain processes. They help organize and display information, analyze and extract data from large documents, and more. In short, they are tools that can make our jobs easier and more efficient, not replace us.
When it comes to generative AI, it's all about understanding how to interface with it. People need to get better at asking the right questions and providing feedback to improve the output. This is a new skill level that people are going to have to develop. One of the best ways of doing it is just spending some time with it.
So, to answer the question of whether robots are taking our jobs, the answer is no. While there may be some jobs that AI could replace in the future, there will always be a need for human input and creativity.
Considerations for Ensuring AI Security in Tactical Planning: Best Practices for Companies and Vendors
AI is still a new and evolving technology, with some security risks.
One of the main concerns is the fact that AI learns from the data it receives. This means it can learn and internalize confidential or sensitive information that your company wants to keep secret. This is especially important to keep in mind if you're using external vendors who are providing AI services.
So, what can you do to ensure the security of your company's data when using AI?
Firstly, you must understand that the technology is still in its early stages. There are no guarantees that AI systems will remain open and freely available.
Also, learn the current regulatory environment around AI. There have been calls for regulation from various industry leaders, and some governments have already taken steps to ban or limit certain AI technologies. For example, Italy recently banned the use of GPT in chatbots due to security concerns.
Ultimately, when it comes to using AI in your business operations, you must approach it with caution and be mindful of potential security risks. Keep up to date with the latest developments in AI technology and regulatory policies, and take the necessary precautions to protect your company's sensitive data.
Proprietary AI Products: Securing Enterprise Data and Maximizing Privacy
Platforms like Jasper are regulated and secure, so they won't use Open AI. Do your research to ensure that any AI product you're considering doesn't use Open AI as an API, potentially compromising your company's data.
While it's true that big companies like Jasper use GPT-4, this still shows that people recognize the need for secure AI ecosystems within enterprise-level systems. In fact, the AI industry is rapidly expanding and growing faster than any other technology we've seen before. This means there's potential for multi-billion dollar companies to emerge in this space.
It's an exciting time for AI, but it's also important to proceed with caution regarding your company's data security. So, if you're considering using an AI product for your business, make sure you do your research and choose a secure platform that will keep your data safe.
Exploring Free AI-Language Model Options: A Look at Microsoft's Bing Chat and Other Current Offerings
Bing Chat is one of the most current and up-to-date chatbots out there. And with so many companies jumping on the AI bandwagon, it's important to stay on top of the latest developments.
However, the world of AI chatbots is constantly evolving. Payment models are changing, free tiers are disappearing, and new chatbots are being released daily. It's hard to say which chatbot you should be using because, in a week or two, it might be something different.
But one thing is for sure - staying on top of the latest developments in the industry will be key to success in the future.
Scaling Content Operations with AI Generative Content: Opportunities and Considerations
Using GPT-4 can be a huge timesaver for content creators, but it's important to remember that it's not a perfect solution. You still need a human to review the content and ensure it's accurate and free from bias.
That being said, AI writing tools like GPT-4 can still be valuable for creatives who need help creating captivating headlines, hooks, or blog topics. GPT-4 can help you create more engaging content tailored to your audience's interests by taking on a more advertising or showy tone.
However, as with any technology, AI has potential concerns for content creation.
One valid concern is the amplification of inherent biases in web content. There is no authority or ranking of open-source content or data, meaning people can pull discriminatory, sexist, and racist information. Therefore, it's essential to have a human being review the content and understand the social complexities of today's world.
A lot of quality assurance (QA) still needs to be done to ensure the content's accuracy. Sometimes, the AI is flat-out wrong, especially when asking for code changes or something similar.
The Rise of Faux AI Experts and Convincing AI-Generated Videos: Implications and Future Directions
Video is another medium that AI can be used to generate. It's a multi-disciplinary field, which means that expertise in various areas like humanities, psychology, user interface, interaction, marketing, and tech are all important.
But as we continue to develop this technology, we must be mindful of the potential negative impacts, like deep fakes and political implications.
There are legal implications to using someone's likeness without their permission. So, if you're using a big enough source, they can actually sue you for impersonating them. It's a bit of a wild west right now, but people are starting to figure out how to use AI to identify deep fakes and take legal action against those responsible.
Balancing Authenticity and Quality in Content
There's a lot of hype around AI-generated content, and people have varying opinions on it. AI content, in itself, isn’t all bad.
However, as more and more content floods the internet, personalized and conversational content will become increasingly important. Articles that ask questions and have a more personal touch will likely be the ones that get read more. But that doesn't mean other types of content will become useless, especially considering how search engines work.
Good content is good content, regardless of whether it's generated by a person or a tool.
AI-Generated Content and SEO: Debunking the Myths and Misconceptions
The question of whether Google penalizes AI content has a simple answer: no. The quality of content is what matters.
AI-generated content tends to be formulaic and dry, which may not meet Google's quality standards. Compelling hooks, personalized content, interesting statistics, and relevant visuals are crucial for quality content that Google favors.
However, it's important to note that no one outside of Google really knows how their algorithm works, and anyone who claims to have the secret to ranking high on search engines is usually selling a lie.
While tools like GPT-0 claim to detect AI language models, they're not always accurate. The advancements in AI are happening too fast for search engines to keep up, so it's best to focus on content strategy and delivering to the pain points of your target audience instead of worrying about AI.
Navigating the Fast-Paced Development of GPT: Tips for Staying Informed
You need to stay up-to-date with AI advancements, even if it's just on a weekly or monthly basis. Of course, missing something one week is not the end of the world, especially as catch-up time is not excessive. AI does a lot of the thinking for you, anyway.
Moderate the amount of time spent on AI news to fit your schedule and make it part of your daily routine, perhaps even during a morning coffee break.
But, if you find yourself consumed by doomsday scenarios, taking a break for a day or two may be necessary to avoid becoming overwhelmed by negative content. Pause your doom-scrolling and focus on a more balanced approach to staying informed about AI developments.
Learning Through Play: Experimenting with AI Interfaces and Tools
It can be easy to get overwhelmed when it comes to keeping up with AI news. So remember the hype cycle and recognize that much of what you're reading won't be relevant in the future. In fact, a year from now, things could be completely different.
Instead of keeping track of everything, treat it as a hobby and experiment with different AI interfaces and tools. Don't worry about being an expert or keeping up with all the latest developments - just have fun and learn as you go.